EPV-5000 tugger winches with central control
Winchsystem on customer requirement

For our customer Geo. Gleistein & Sohn GmbH, the well known producer of Dyneema fiber ropes as GeoYacht, GeoMarine, GeoProfessional & Geolift, Dromec developed and build a winchsystem on customer requirements.
Set contains 2 pcs. EPV-5000 tugger winches with central control that makes it possible to control each winch individualy and pre-tension each Dyneema fiber rope from 500 up to 5000 kg during production.
System is operated by wireless remote control that makes it possible to adjust the speed and CT values as required in the manufacturing process.
This project is a good example of a “Customer idea” translated by Dromec into a technical solution with focus on price.
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